We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč. We provide online consultations. The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction – October 2022
Patient Background:
A 64-year-old patient presented to our outpatient clinic with a painful bunion deformity of the big toe on the right foot. The deformity impaired stability while walking and caused significant discomfort. The patient was indicated for minimally invasive correction.
Preoperative Condition:
Image: The preoperative image shows the bunion deformity of the right foot.
Video: Footage of the patient’s gait highlights a bunion and impaired stability during movement.
Postoperative Condition:
X-Ray After Surgery: The operation was performed minimally invasively through tiny skin punctures. The big toe bone was repositioned and secured with three screws placed entirely inside the bone. The patient does not feel these screws, and thus they do not need to be removed.
Images (1 Week Post-Surgery): The images show postoperative swelling, hematomas, and healing puncture sites on the inner side of the foot.
Images (4 Months Post-Surgery):
The big toe remains corrected in its natural position.
Gait stability has significantly improved, and forefoot pain has subsided.
Scars on the inner side of the foot are now almost invisible.
X-Ray (4 Months Post-Surgery): The bones of the big toe are fully healed in the new position. The surgical intervention has been completely transformed into new bone.