We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč. We provide online consultations. The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
Degenerative changes in the big toe joint. It causes a gradual limitation of big toe mobility, deformity, bony growths around the joint, pain during movement, and limping.
Surgical Solution:
Mild Changes: Minimally invasive removal of bony growths and improvement of joint mobility. The procedure is performed through a 4–5 mm mini-incision.
Advanced Changes: Minimally invasive removal of bony growths and stiffening of the joint (arthrodesis) to restore stability. The procedure involves a mini-incision combined with injections.
Estimated Duration of Work Incapacity:
Mild Changes: 1 week
Advanced Changes: 6 weeks
The surgical approach effectively addresses both mild and advanced stages of big toe arthritis, relieving pain, improving function, and restoring stability.
Left: Preoperative images show enlargement of the joint caused by bone spurs. The condition is accompanied by pain when walking, limping, and limited range of motion.
Middle: X-ray shows milder arthritic changes, bone spurs, and loss of joint cartilage.
Right: Postoperative photos 4 months after surgery. Bone spurs have been removed and joint motion is restored. Postoperatively, there is an almost imperceptible scar on the inside of the big toe.
The video footage shows the release of the joint in mild thumb arthritis. Arthritis growths were ground down to relieve joint pain and restore thumb mobility. Immediately after the operation, it can be seen that the operated limb can be fully loaded without crutches. The patient goes home after the operation, without leg fixation and without crutches. The pain is minimal. Full thumb mobility has been restored. In the following weeks, she will no longer feel the pain that was caused by arthritic joint damage. With this video, we wanted to present the gentleness of mini-invasive foot surgery techniques.