We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč. We provide online consultations. The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
Hammertoe and claw toe deformities are characterized by fixed flexion of the toes, which cannot be actively straightened. These deformities may be accompanied by painful blisters, calluses, and uncomfortable pressure from footwear.
Surgical Solution:
A minimally invasive procedure is performed to correct the position of the affected toes. The procedure involves reducing tendon tension or addressing deformed bones and joints through 2 to 3-mm mini-incisions or punctures.
Postoperative Recovery:
Mobility: Walking with crutches is typically required for 2–3 days.
Work Incapacity:
Sedentary work: 1 week
Work involving walking or lower limb strain: 2 weeks
The procedure successfully straightens the toes, alleviating pain and discomfort while improving overall foot function and comfort.
The preoperative image on the left shows a bunion with a hammertoe deformity of the 2nd and 3rd toes.
The postoperative image on the right shows the result of a mini-invasive correction of the big toe and fingers.