We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč.We provide online consultations.The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
A bunion is a big toe deformity characterized by outward deviation of the big toe. It is often accompanied by pain during walking, discomfort at the bony prominence on the inner side of the big toe, and difficulty wearing shoes.
The collapse of the transverse arch is associated with a bunion position of the big toe (hallux valgus) and loosening of the ligaments that support the arch. This condition often leads to a pronounced bunion deformity, causing pain in the big toe and the heads of the metatarsal bones, which form part of the foot's transverse arch.
Hammertoe and claw toe deformities are characterized by fixed flexion of the toes, which cannot be actively straightened.
Degenerative changes in the big toe joint. It causes a gradual limitation of big toe mobility, deformity, bony growths around the joint, pain during movement, and limping.
A heel spur develops due to chronic inflammation caused by overloading the muscle tendons at their attachment to the calcaneus (heel bone). It typically presents pain when stepping on the heel, especially in the morning or after rest.
Haglund's heel develops due to the shape of the heel bone, where an increased slope of the posterior portion causes irritation of the Achilles tendon.