We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč. We provide online consultations. The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
A bunion is a big toe deformity characterized by outward deviation of the big toe. It is often accompanied by pain during walking, discomfort at the bony prominence on the inner side of the big toe, and difficulty wearing shoes.
Surgical Solution:
We perform a minimally invasive correction to realign the big toe position. The procedure involves 3 to 4 small skin incisions and punctures, allowing for the straightening of the big toe and eliminating associated pain.
Postoperative Recovery:
Mobility: Walking with crutches, placing weight on the heel, for approximately 4–6 weeks.
Work Incapacity:
Sedentary work: 2 weeks
Work involving walking or lower limb strain: 6 weeks
The procedure effectively straightens the big toe, resolves pain, and restores functional comfort.
Left: Preoperative images show the bunion deformity with a prominent metatarsal head on the inner side of the foot. The patient reported pain while walking, tenderness at the bony prominence, and difficulty with footwear.
Middle: X-ray images reveal the bunion deformity with an extension of the arch.
Right: Postoperative images at 3 months demonstrate a corrected big toe position, elimination of the bony prominence, and significant pain relief. The scars on the inner side of the foot are minimal and almost unnoticeable. The surgery was performed using a single mini-incision and punctures.
The minimally invasive approach resulted in successful deformity correction, pain elimination, and excellent cosmetic outcomes.