We look forward to seeing you in our clinics in Prague, Ostrava, Opava, Bruntál, Žilina and Holíč. We provide online consultations. The team of the Society of Aesthetic Foot Surgery s.r.o.
Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction – September 2022
Patient Background:
On September 14, 2022, a 40-year-old male patient underwent minimally invasive bunion correction of the right foot. While the deformity did not significantly limit him, he reported occasional pain, pressure in shoes, and difficulty participating in sports.
Preoperative Condition:
The preoperative image shows the bunion on the right foot.
The patient experienced pain in the toe, pressure in shoes, and limitations in sports activities.
Postoperative Condition (7 Weeks After Surgery):
Image: The big toe has been straightened, and its natural position restored.
Walking: Walking in a special postoperative shoe was allowed immediately after surgery to promote healing. The patient was permitted to walk without crutches if he felt comfortable.
Result: At 7 weeks post-surgery, the patient was able to fully load the foot without any restrictions. An X-ray confirmed that the bones were completely healed.