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Photos and Videos of Minimally Invasive Toe Arthrosis Solution – September 2022
Patient Background:
On September 23, 2022, a 47-year-old female patient underwent a minimally invasive procedure to release the arthritic joint of the big toe on the right foot. She reported difficulty walking due to bony growths around the toe and limited joint mobility.
Preoperative Status:
Images: Swelling of the base joint of the big toe is visible. The position of the toe was normal, but the joint exhibited moderate arthritic changes.
Patient's Comment: The main concerns were limited joint mobility and pain while walking, which prevented her from fully participating in sports activities. She also reported feeling pressure in her shoes.
Video: The gait was not significantly affected, but the patient experienced pain when rolling the foot or attempting to stand on tiptoe.
Postoperative Condition:
Images: The procedure was performed using a minimally invasive technique through a 3 mm skin incision under X-ray control.
Video (on the day of surgery): The patient was able to load the operated limb without crutches immediately after surgery. She went home without leg fixation and reported minimal pain. Toe mobility was fully restored.
Result: In the following weeks, the patient no longer experienced pain caused by the arthritic joint.
This case demonstrates the gentleness and effectiveness of a minimally invasive technique in treating toe joint arthrosis. The procedure resulted in rapid recovery and minimal restrictions, significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.